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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 699, Issues 1-2,
Pages 1-407 (5 May 1995)

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Complex-forming equilibria in ion chromatography, Pages 1-10
Pavel Jano
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (618 K)

Minimization of baseline disturbances in peptide mapping by means of principal-component multivariate visualization, Pages 11-20
C. Woodward and F. O. Geiser
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (655 K)

Use of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry for molar mass-sensitive detection in liquid chromatography of polymers, Pages 21-29
Harald Pasch and Karsten Rode
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (464 K)

Potentiometric detection using a metallic copper electrode in reversed-phase and ion-exclusion chromatography with eluents containing ion-interaction reagents, Pages 31-37
Bronislaw K. Glod, Peter W. Alexander, Paul R. Haddad and L. Chen Zu
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (350 K)

Electrocatalytic oxidation and ion chromatographic detection of Br-, I-, SO2-3, S2O2-3 and SCN- at a platinum particle-based glassy carbon modified electrode, Pages 39-47
Liu Anhua, Xu Liang, Li Tao, Dong Shaojun and Wang Erkang
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (412 K)

Effect of temperature on retention time reproducibility and on the use of programmable fluorescence detection of fifteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Pages 49-57
Mauri Mäkelä and Lauri Pyy
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (422 K)

Synthesis of monodisperse macroreticular styrene-divinylbenzene gel particles by a single-step swelling and polymerization method, Pages 59-66
Kenji Ogino, Hisaya Sato, Kaoru Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Suzuki and Soyao Moriguchi
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (406 K)

Preparation and characterization of monodisperse oligo(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate polymer beads for aqueous high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 67-72
Kenji Ogino, Hisaya Sato, Yûichi Aihara, Hiroshi Suzuki and Soyao Moriguchi
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (293 K)

Effect of co-modifiers in cyclodextrin-modified mobile phases on the reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, Pages 73-83
Noni Husain, Angela Y. Christian and Isiah M. Warner
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (640 K)

Gradient reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of saturated, unsaturated and oxygenated free fatty acids and their methyl esters, Pages 85-91
Lin Jiann-Tsyh, Thomas A. McKeon and Allan E. Stafford
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (374 K)

Liquid chromatography of tylosin A and related substances on poly(styrene-divinylbenzene), Pages 93-97
J. Paesen, P. Claeys, W. Cypers, E. Roets and J. Hoogmartens
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (276 K)

Isolation of decomposition products of tylosin using liquid chromatography, Pages 99-106
J. Paesen, W. Cypers, R. Busson, E. Roets and J. Hoogmartens
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (335 K)

Determination of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) components in crude plant extract using high-performance liquid chromatography-UV-visible photodiode-array detection-mass spectrometry, Pages 107-118
Petros A. Tarantilis, George Tsoupras and Moschos Polissiou
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (524 K)

Hollow-fibre flow field-flow fractionation of polystyrene sulphonates, Pages 119-129
Judith E. G. J. Wijnhoven, Jan Paul Koorn, Hans Poppe and Wim Th. Kok
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (508 K)

Pair-wise interactions by gas chromatography V. Interaction free enthalpies of solutes with primary chloro- and bromoalkanes, Pages 131-154
G. Défayes, K. S. Reddy, A. Dallos and E. sz. Kováts
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1052 K)

Dependence of retention of organic compounds on carrier gas pressure in capillary adsorption chromatography, Pages 155-159
Victor G. Berezkin, Irina V. Malyukova and Victor R. Alishoev
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (221 K)

Prediction of programmed temperature retention indices on capillary columns of different polarities, Pages 161-171
Tomaso C. Gerbino and Gianrico Castello
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (523 K)

Calculation algorithm for the retention times of polychlorinated biphenyls and the control of its efficiency on a non-polar capillary column, Pages 173-182
Walter Vetter and Bernd Luckas
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (532 K)

Reactive-flow luminescence with flame ionization detection, Pages 183-193
Walter A. Aue and Kevin B. Thurbide
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (704 K)

Second-channel designs for a single-channel flame photometric detector, Pages 195-201
Walter A. Aue, Cecil G. Eisener, Jennifer A. Gebhardt and Nancy B. Lowery
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (365 K)

Evaluation of adsorbents for sampling and quantitative analysis of microbial volatiles using thermal desorption-gas chromatography, Pages 203-214
Anna-Lena Sunesson, Carl-Axel Nilsson and Barbro Andersson
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (591 K)

Backbone modification of Chirasil-Val I. Effect of loading on the separation of enantiomers by gas chromatography, Pages 215-221
Bernhard Koppenhoefer, Ulrich Mühleck and Konrad Lohmiller
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (377 K)

Determination of volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons in plant leaves by gas chromatography--mass spectrometry, Pages 223-229
R. Keymeulen, A. Voutetaki and H. Van Langenhove
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (400 K)

Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in biotic matrices using gas chromatography--microwave-induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry, Pages 231-239
Jana Hajlová, Petr Cuhra, Milan Kempný, Jan Poustka, Kateina Holadová and Vladimír Kocourek
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (477 K)

Identification and determination of butyltin compounds in water by ion trap gas chromatography--mass spectrometry after conversion to methyl or hydride derivatives, Pages 241-252
Zbynk Plzák, Martina Polanská and Miloslav Suchánek
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (566 K)

Comparison of supercritical fluid extraction and Soxhlet extraction for the analysis of native polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils, Pages 253-263
Gerry Reimer and Agripina Suarez
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (519 K)

Comparison of sorbent and solvent trapping after supercritical fluid extraction of volatile petroleum hydrocarbons from soil, Pages 265-276
Yang Yu, Steven B. Hawthorne and David J. Miller
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (515 K)

Cercospora beticola toxins III. Purification, thin-layer and high-performance liquid chromatographic analyses, Pages 277-283
Marie-Louise Milat and Jean-Pierre Blein
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (315 K)

Charge transfer chromatographic study of the binding of commercial pesticides to various albumins, Pages 285-290
Tibor Cserháti and Esther Forgács
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (320 K)

Thin-layer chromatographic fractionation of Ames mutagenic chlorosemiquinone in chlorinated 4-methylphenol solution, Pages 291-296
Sukeo Onodera, Aya Uchida and Chika Nakajima
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (342 K)

Wall adsorption in capillary electrophoresis Experimental study and computer simulttion, Pages 297-313
Sergey V. Ermakov, Michael Yu. Zhukov, Laura Capelli and Pier Giorgio Righetti
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (996 K)

Thermo--optical absorbance detection of native proteins separated by capillary electrophoresis in 10 m I.D. tubes, Pages 315-322
José María Saz, Beat Krattiger, Alfredo E. Bruno, José Carlos Díez-Masa and H. Michael Widmer
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (477 K)

Indirect detection in capillary electrophoresis Comparison between indirect UV and indirect laser-induced fluorescence detection for the determination of isoprenyl pyrophosphates, Pages 323-330
Per E. Andersson, William D. Pfeffer and Lars G. Blomberg
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (464 K)

Structural selectivity provided by starburst dendrimers as pseudostationary phase in electrokinetic chromatography, Pages 331-341
Nobuo Tanaka, Takeshi Fukutome, Tetsuya Tanigawa, Ken Hosoya, Kazuhiro Kimata, Takeo Araki and Klaus K. Unger
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (593 K)

Chemical modification of capillary column for electrophoretic separations of transition metal ions, Pages 343-351
J. Chen GiM. Lee N.C. Hu ChoY. Liu Chuen
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (483 K)

Effect of electrolyte composition in the capillary electrophoretic separation of inorganic/organic anions in the presence of cationic polymers, Pages 353-361
Costas Stathakis and Richard M. Cassidy
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (542 K)

Formation of S-nitroso compounds from sodium nitroprusside, nitric oxide or nitrite and reduced thiols: analysis by capillary isotachophoresis, Pages 363-369
Dimitrios Tsikas, Rainer H. Böger, Stefanie M. Bode-Böger, Gorig Brunner and Jürgen C. Frölich
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (367 K)

Separation of six phenylureas and chlorsulfuron standards by micellar, mixed micellar and microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography, Pages 371-382
Song Liguo, Ou Qingyu, Yu Weile and Li Ganzuo
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (639 K)

Selective stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatographic assay for recombinant human regular insulin, Pages 383-388
Gifford L. Hoyer, Paul E. Nolan Jr., Jane H. LeDoux and Laura A. Moore
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (306 K)

Chiral separation of MDL 73,005EF enantiomers using an 1-acid glycoprotein column, Pages 389-394
Bryan M. Bunton and Thomas A. Walker
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (281 K)

Masking as a mechanism for evaporative loss of trace analyte, especially after solid-phase extraction, Pages 395-402
Xiaoning W. Crowley, Veeravagu Murugaiah, Abdul Naim and Roger W. Giese
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (475 K)

Separation of low-boiling pyridine bases by gas chromatography, Pages 403-407
María Claudia Titon and Angel Miguel Nardillo
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (280 K)


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